▲People don‘t become ’adults‘ until their 30s, say scientists?(via BBC)
“What we’re really saying is that to have a definition of when you move from childhood to adulthood looks increasingly absurd,” professor Peter Jones explained at the meeting。 “It’s a much more nuanced transition that takes place over three decades。“
“There isn‘t a childhood and then an adulthood。 People are on a pathway, they’re on a trajectory。”
▲People‘s Brains Don’t Reach Adulthood Until Age 30, Study Finds?(via menshealth.com)
医学博士弗朗西丝·延森(Frances E.Jensen)在《男士健康》三月刊中也发表文章,指出我们的大脑要到30岁才能完全发育起来。
The prolonged state of development allows us to learn new concepts more quickly, she said。 Plus, people get deeper sleep in their 30s, meaning the impact of those late night Netflix binges are partially counterbalanced, Men‘s Health sleep advisor Dr。 Christopher Winter, said。 But this also means that excessive alcohol or drug use while your brain is still developing may have lasting impact。
她说,大脑长期处于发育状态会让我们能快速学习新概念。此外,男性健康睡眠顾问克里斯托弗·温特博士说,人们在30多岁时睡得更深,这在一定程度上能抵消熬夜在网飞上刷剧的影响。但也同时意味着,过度饮酒或吸 毒,会对你仍在发育的大脑产生持久的影响。
▲People‘s Brains Don’t Reach Adulthood Until Age 30,Study Finds。